Thursday, October 23, 2014

Lavander Oil 

As everyone knows, Lavender oil helps with relaxing after a hard day at work , helps you sleep , also stress and anxiety; but what a lot of people don't know is that lavender oil helps with hair loss like Alopecia; since Alopecia is claimed  that stress maybe the key to the hair loss, the smell of the lavender oil can help release all the stress also you can put it on your scalp as a topical; and since lavender oil is a essential oil you have to mix it with another oil like Jojoba oil, Coconut oil, or Grapeseed oil; whatever oil you decide to combine the lavender oil with you put 1 tablespoon of it and 5 drops of lavender oil then massage it on your scalp so you can open your follicles and blood flow. 

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